Services in March

Each Sunday:

8 am Communion Service

10 am Sung Eucharist Service

Each Wednesday:

10 am Communion Service - in the Lady Chapel (except 5th March when the service will be in church)

2nd March 10 am - Sung Eucharist Service 

No Junior Church

4 pm - Messy Church

5th March 10 am - Said Eucharist Service for Ash Wednesday

5th March 7:30 pm - Sung Eucharist Service for Ash Wednesday

Both services include the imposition of ashes

9th March 10 am - Sung Eucharist Service: 

With Junior Church

16th March 10 am - Community Communion Service

A more informal service involving young people.
No Junior Church

5 pm - Choral Evensong

Ayleward Responses

Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis - Morley Fauxbourdons

Anthem: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem - John Goss (1800 - 1880)

Voluntary: No V - 6 Short Preludes & Postludes Set 1 Op 101 "Founded on an old Irish melody" - C V Stanford (1852 - 1924)

23rd March 10 am - Sung Eucharist Service 

With Junior Church.

30th March 10 am - Sung Eucharist Service for Mothering Sunday

With Junior Church.

Monday to Thursday & Saturday:

8:30 am Said Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel