This week at St Matthew’s
Sunday 23rd February (2nd Sunday before Lent)
8 am Service of the Word – please note that there will not be a service of Holy Communion at 8 am today.
10 am Parish Communion (
Anthem: A Gaelic Blessing - John Rutter (b.1945)
Voluntary: ‘Trumpet Tune (Homage to the 18th century) - David N Johnson (1922-1987)
Monday 24th February
9 am – 3 pm Foodbank
9:30 am Craft Group in vestry
9:45 am Toddler Group in the Parish Room
2 pm Greek Group in vestry
Wednesday 26th February
10 am Holy Communion
11am – 3pm Foodbank
Thursday 27th February
9:00 am Gardening Group
1:10 pm Lunchtime Music - Flute and Piano Recital
6:30 pm Junior Choir Practice
7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice
Friday 28th February
9 am – 3 pm Foodbank
Saturday 1st March
9 am Saturday Gardening Group
Sunday 2nd March (Next before Lent)
8 am Holy Communion
10 am Parish Communion (no
4 pm Messy Church
Dates for your diary
5th March Ash Wednesday – services with ashing at 10 am and 7:30 pm
15th March Working Party followed by Lent Lunch in aid of the Bishop of Southwark’s Lent Call. The lunch will be in the main hall from 12 noon to 2 pm.
12th April Unlock
17th May 7 pm Barn Dance in aid of church funds
Rev Anna's contact details - Day Off on FRIDAY
email address: Phone number 01737 511495
Parish Administrator Julia Elfred
email address: Phone number 01737 249066
If you would like to include any notices in the weekly newsletter please contact:
Tracey Jennings – email address:
Phone number: 01737 760590- by Wednesdays 10 am
Pastoral Care And Pastoral Support - If you need any help at all please do contact any
member of the Staff Team - we are always ready to do what we can to help.
Rev. Anna (Vicar) As above
Julie Knight (Reader)
Anne Currie (Reader)
Lent 2025
Details of Lent observances, both in church and at home, will be published in the Lent booklet which will be available soon.
Friday 7th March: World Day of Prayer
(formerly Women's World Day of Prayer)
The service this year has been
prepared by the Christian women from the
The theme is 'I made you wonderful'. We are all made in the image of God and our identity is as a child of God - valuable, precious, unique and special to Him. To know that I am enough, you are enough, we are enough, and loved unconditionally by God is priceless.
The service for Redhill and
Reigate is being hosted this year at
Do come and join us for this
ecumenical service that will be held around the world, starting and ending in
Hilary Richardson
27 February – Lunchtime Music
Flute and Piano Recital - Karen Wong (flute), Weng Soon Tee (piano)
Schubert - Introduction and Variations on 'Trockne Blumen' for
Flute and Piano, D.802
Sergei Prokofiev - Flute Sonata in D, Op. 94